Posted by NationalACH on Jul 23, 2013
check 21, echeck, electronic check, payment options

Accept Electronic Checks Online

High risk merchants experience sales lifts up to 20% simply by adding echecks as a payment option.  And you save money on echeck processing compared to high risk credit card merchant accounts.

With electronic checks, your customers have another convenient way to pay you.  More 30% of internet retailers currently have an electronic check payment option on their checkout page.  

Why are echecks becoming more popular?  The reason is simple.  Echecks increase sales.

Get More Orders

Make it easier for customers to buy from you.  Echecks are the most popular alterntive payment method for US shoppers. Many buyers prefer to pay you through a bank account, rather than a card.  More than 30% of Americans don't have cards. Yet 95% of US households have bank accounts.  And can pay you with with an electronic check instead of a card.

Rescue Sales with Electronic Checks

If a card sale is denied, offer the buyer the opportunity to pay with electronic checks instead.  You capture sales that otherwise would be lost.

Reduced Risk for High Risk Merchants

Credit card transactions expose high risk merchants to greater liabilities than electronic check transactions.  Card transactions can be charged back up to 180 days after a purchase is made.

Compare this with ACH echecks where customers have only 60 days to revoke a transaction.  With Check 21, the revoke period is shortened to a mere 40 days.

And, it’s more difficult to chargeback an echeck transaction than a card transaction.  For cards, customers simply call their card bank to chargeback a transaction.  Naturally, banks usually side with their customers rather than with you.  

Revoking a check transaction takes more time and effort for a consumer. Customers frequently to visit their bank, sign an affidavit and provide supporting documentation.  Much more difficult and time consuming than charging back a card transaction..

Competitive Advantage

High risk merchants represent some of the most competitive industries online.  Shoppers have virtually unlimited places at which buy goods and services.

You can be sure if you don’t offer echecks, some of your competitors do.  Are you willing to risk a sale simply because you don’t offer echecks as a payment option?


Echecks are the fastest growing source of increased revenues for internet merchants.  Don’t lose a sale to your competitors because they offer electronic checks at checkout and you don't.   

Make it easy for customers to pay you by accepting their preferred methosd of payment.

Do you want to accept electronic checks online to increase your sales & profits?
